Shanghai Theatre Academy and SMG Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement


The signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation between Shanghai Media Group (SMG) and Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) was held on 13 September at the Changlin Road Campus of Shanghai Theatre Academy.

Liu Qing, Vice President of Shanghai Theatre Academy, and Wang Leiqing, Party Committee Member and Vice President of SMG, signed the agreement on behalf of the two organizations. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Xie Wei, Party Secretary of STA, Huang Changyong, Deputy Party Secretary and President of STA, Shen Jun, Party Secretary and Chairman of SMG, and Yuan Lei, Party Committee Member and Vice President of SMG.

STA and SMG have a close relationship. SMG is one of the most important employment bases for graduates of STA, and STAers who are active in various positions within SMG have contributed to the development of SMG. In 2022, shortly after the successful conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the two organizations conducted a joint learning session for the central theoretical study groups of the party committees of the two organizations on the theme of "Studying the Report of the 20th CPC National Congress and Improving Communication Skills".

In order to support the employment work of STA, SMG held a special campus job fair at STA’s Duanjun Theatre in November last year, and the relevant entities under SMG brought more than 50 jobs for the students of STA. The graduating students of STA actively applied for the jobs, and the warm atmosphere at the job fair venue contrasted sharply with the gloomy and cold weather of early winter. Over the years, STA has also provided STA with high-quality practice platforms and industry mentoring resources, and the construction of majors and disciplines at STA has also laid a solid foundation for the development of the radio and television industry.

At the signing ceremony, the two sides agreed to take the signing as an opportunity to establish a more effective exchange and communication mechanism, and exchanged views on how to further support talent training and student employment, jointly plan and launch relevant programs, optimize the mode of industry mentoring programs, and promote the development and cultivation of film and TV-related projects.

The signing ceremony was attended by Hu Min, Deputy Party Secretary of STA, Zhou Yin'e, Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of STA, Cheng Wei, Party Committee Member and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of SMG, Xu Hao, Party Committee Member and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SMG, and the heads of the relevant departments of the two organizations.

Before the signing ceremony, the guests from SMG also had a guided tour of the Changlin Road Campus.