Shanghai Theatre Academy Holds Symposium on Construction of "Three Systems" in Chinese Art Studies


On the 14th of September, the Symposium on the Construction of the "Three Systems" of Chinese Art Studies was held at the Changlin Road Campus, presided over by President Huang Changyong and attended by Vice President Liu Qing. The meeting mainly focused on the academic achievements of STA under the "three systems" of Chinese art studies, and the breakthroughs in academic research and discipline construction of STA around the construction of the "three systems" of Chinese art studies. Focusing on the topics of the symposium, the leaders of various innovation teams and national scientific research projects expressed their views and made suggestions in the light of the actual construction work. This meeting was the first retreat held by STA on the construction of the "three systems" of Chinese art studies, and the STA would carry out further discussion and research on each specific discipline.