2023 Shanghai Theatre Academy 39th Teacher's Day Celebration is held


On 8 September, the Shanghai Theatre Academy 39th Teacher's Day Celebration was held at the Duanjun Theater.

STA leaders, heads of the various colleges, departments, functional offices and affiliated schools, as well as representatives of teachers and students, participated in this thematic event. The event was presided over by Huang Changyong, Deputy Party Secretary and President of STA.

At the event, Vice President Liu Qing and Deputy Party Secretary Hu Min respectively conducted the commendation proceedings for faculty members who have won national awards, as well as faculty members who have been engaged in educational work for 30 years (25 years for female). The students presented flowers to the teachers to express their holiday blessings. Xie Wei, Party Secretary, delivered a speech at the event.

At the end of the event, nine teachers performed a poem recitation titled "Choice", which not only paid a tribute to teachers, but was also an encouragement for them.