Original Drama "The World of Lu Yao" is successfully staged


The original drama "The World of Lu Yao", produced jointly by the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Yan'an University, and supported by the China National Arts Fund and the Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation, was successfully staged at the STA Experimental Theatre at the beginning of the new semester.

The drama is adapted by Professor Sun Zuping from the Shanghai Theatre Academy based on the biographical literary work "Lu Yao: A Biography" by Professor Liang Xiangyang (pen name "Houfu") from the School of Literature at the Yan'an University. It is directed by Associate Professor Wan Liming from the STA Department of Directing, and is passionately performed by teachers, students and alumni of STA.

The original drama "The World of Lu Yao", based on the famous contemporary writer Lu Yao's novel "The Ordinary World", vividly portrays Lu Yao's psychological journey, as well as his pains and struggles, in creating this great work.

During the time of more than two years since the approval of the project, the main creators of the production team overcame the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, modified the script, set the team, and went specifically to Shaanxi for collection of materials. After nearly three months of painstaking creation and rehearsals, "The World of Lu Yao" finally opened its curtain and appeared on the stage of STA.

Mainly starring young people, "The World of Lu Yao", embodies the aspirations and blessings of the younger generation. 2023 is a year of renewed vitality in life. The drama "The World of Lu Yao" not only pays tribute to Mr Lu Yao, but also pays tribute to the literary spirit, moreover, it pays tribute to the spirit of fearless struggle and daring to climb.