Faculty team headed by Professor Lu Jun of STA is awarded the title of “Chinese University Huang Danian-style Faculty Team”


The Chinese Ministry of Education recently announced “The Third Batch of Shortlist of the Demonstration activities for the Creation of Huang Danian-style Faculty Teams in Chinese Universities”. The faculty team of Chinese playwriting studies headed by Professor Lu Jun at the Department of Dramatic Literature our university has been shortlisted. A total of 199 universities have selected for this batch of "Chinese University Huang Danian-style Faculty Teams", and our university is the only selected theatre, film and television university in China.

The "Chinese University Huang Danian-style Faculty Team" is a faculty team construction project at the national level initiated by the Ministry of Education. The selection of the team headed by Professor Lu Jun for this title signifies that the faculty team construction at our department has reached a high level, especially in terms of the discipline construction for Chinese playwriting studies, which has once again received high recognition at the national level.

Professor Lu Jun has been deeply involved in playwriting studies for 16 years, and the team under this leadership has been recognized for over 70 honors and projects at provincial, municipal and national levels. The selection for the title of “Chinese University Huang Danian-style Faculty Team” this time marks the 14th time in five years since 2018 that he has be recognized for honors and projects at the national level.

The achievements made by Professor Lu Jun and the playwriting studies team under his leadership fully demonstrate the strong faculty strength, exceptional disciplinary status and outstanding talent cultivation outcomes of our university’s Department of Dramatic Literature.