Enlightenment • I Carry the Universe with Me | Graduation Work Screening, Television and Broadcast Production Undergraduate Program, Class of 2023, College of Film, Shanghai Theatre Academy is successfully held


On 16 May 2023, the Graduation Work Screening of Television and Broadcast Production Undergraduate Program Class of 2023 of the Shanghai Theatre Academy College of Film, titled "Enlightenment • I Carry the Universe with Me", was successfully held in Standard Screening Room 2, Floor 1, Block A, Building 5, Changlin Road Campus. The screening was divided into afternoon and evening sessions. The participating films included four films from the Television and Broadcast Production Undergraduate Program Class of 2023, namely, "Echo of Batulu," "Where Comes the Wind," "Gao Gao" and "A Sweet Life," as well as the trailer for "Mad Mama Band", an excellent work to be screened on the 19th of this month. The screening room was fully seated, and the audience responded very warmly. Professor Li Zhenlin, Dean of the College of Film, Wang Chunyun, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch, Associate Professor Xiao Xiangning, Head of the Television and Broadcast Production Program, Professor Kees Van Oostrum, PT expert, Cheng Gong, head teacher of the Television and Broadcast Production Class of 2023, as well as a number of associate professors and teachers from the College of Film, attended this exhibition. Some parents and alumni also came to support and participated in the screening event.

Prior to the screening of the short film, Professor Li Zhenlin, Dean of the College of Film, delivered a speech for this screening event.

The four films for screening were as below:

"Echo of Batulu"

"Where Comes the Wind"

"Gao Gao"

"A Sweet Life"

In addition, the short film "Mad Mama Band" directed by Hong Yaqi, a student of the Television and Broadcast Program Class of 2023, was selected for the high-quality graduation works exhibition of the College of Film. It will be screened at Standard Screening Room 2, Floor 1, Block A, Building 5, Changlin Road Campus, Shanghai Theatre Academy on 19 May at 6 pm. The trailer for the film was also shown during the screening event on the 16th.

After the screening of each work, the main creators went onto the stage to share with everyone the details of their creations, as well as their reflections and explanations on their works, and expressed their gratitude to the professional guidance provided by the teachers at the College of Film. Alumni, teachers and parents present on-site interacted with students.

At the end of the screening event, Cheng Gong, head teacher of the Television and Broadcast Program Class of 2023, delivered a sincere message to the students.

Finally, Associate Professor Xiao Xiangning, Head of the Television and Broadcast Production Program of the Film Academy, made a concluding speech for this screening event.

This screening event was a concentrated showcase and presentation of the professional training attained by the Class of 2023 students of the Television Broadcast Production Undergraduate Program. They are about to enter a new stage of life, facing new challenges and opportunities. In the days to come, the students will carry the gratitude for the school’s cultivation and courageously advance on the path of pursuing their dreams, shining on the larger stage of life and embracing a bright future!