Signing ceremony for strategic cooperation between Shanghai Theatre Academy and Beijing People's Art Theatre is held


On 16 May, the signing ceremony for strategic cooperation between the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Beijing People's Art Theatre was held at the Capital Theater.

Xie Wei, Party Secretary of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, Liu Qing, Vice President of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, Wang Wenguang, Party Group Secretary of the Beijing People's Art Theatre, Feng Yuanzheng, Deputy Party Group Secretary and President of the Beijing People’s Art Theatre, and Zhao Tongfu, Party Group Member and Vice President of the Beijing People’s Art Theatre, attended the signing ceremony. Zhou Tong, Deputy Party Group Secretary of the Beijing People's Art Theatre presided over the ceremony. Xie Wei, Wang Wenguang and Feng Yuanzheng delivered speeches at the signing ceremony.

According to the spirit of the strategic cooperation between the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Beijing People's Art Theatre, both parties will: work together to promote the prosperity and development of the literary and artistic undertakings and the aesthetic education work in universities; jointly build the platform for industry-education integration, and conduct in-depth cooperation in multiple fields such as talent cultivation, teaching collaboration, academic exchange and professional practice; actively build the practice platform for teachers and students, provide internship opportunities for students, work together to cultivate high-quality art talents, invite well-known artists to the school for lectures, teaching workshops or short-term teaching, and include artists in the school's pool of expert examiners for enrollment to participate in the school's enrollment work.

After the signing ceremony, representatives from both parties held a meeting, and went for a tour of the Beijing People's Art Theatre Museum and the Beijing International Theatre Centre, and observed “Seagull”, this year’s new play of the Beijing People's Art Theatre.

The persons-in-charge from the relevant functional offices, colleges and departments of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, as well as some STA graduates of different years currently working at the Beijing People’s Art Theatre, attended the signing ceremony.