"The Light of STA” Cultural and Artistic Showcase of Teachers and Students’ Demeanor is a complete success


On the evening of 7 May, the plaque unveiling ceremony was held for The New Theater of Shanghai Theatre Academy located on the Changlin Campus. Subsequently, the first performance after the plaque unveiling, i.e. "The Light of STA" Cultural and Artistic Showcase of Teachers and Students' Demeanor, was staged in The New Theatre and achieved a complete success.

Leaders from the Shanghai Municipal Trade Union, the Office of Counselors of the Shanghai Municipal Government, the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee for Education and Health Work, the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, the CPPCC Shanghai Municipal Committee, the CPC Minhang District Committee, and the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics were invited to attend this event.

Huang Changyong, Deputy Party Secretary and President of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, introduced the origin of the naming of The New Theatre of Shanghai Theatre Academy, and jointly unveiled plaque for the New Theater with Wang Hao, Deputy Director–General of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and Chen Yujian, Secretary of the CPC Minhang District Committee, as well as Yi Tianfu, Director of the Performing Arts Centre and Dean of the Department of Stage Design at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, and Tan Yinxuan, a student representative. The inscription of "The New Theatre" was written by Mr Ding Shenyang, President of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association.

After the plaque unveiling, "The Light of STA" Cultural and Artistic Showcase of Teachers and Students' Demeanor brought a significant gift for the birth of The New Theater. “The Light of STA" Cultural and Artistic Showcase of Teachers and Students’ Demeanor, with the theme of "New Era· New Journey·New Glory ", set up a wonderful stage for teachers and students in various colleges and departments to showcase the characteristics of their specialties. Mr Tang Muhai, the famous conductor, together with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, first presented the theme song "The Light of STA". This symphony was adapted from the school song written by Mr. Tian Han for STA. Subsequently, teachers and students presented a wonderful program of performances, including not only traditional Chinese opera and folk music that showcased excellent traditional culture, but also singing of different styles, as well as dance and recitation, all demonstrating the strength and heritage of being a comprehensive performing arts university. Mr He Tianfa, former Party Secretary of the Shanghai Theatre Academy at the age of 86, also took the stage to sing the song "My Motherland" together with young teachers. The 416 girl group, which has become popular on internet, also reunited on the stage of The New Theater at their alma mater with a song called “Girls of Chang'an”.

Xie Wei, Party Secretary of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, delivered a speech, pointing out that “The Light of STA” is the light of faith, the light of cohesion, and the light of the times. “The Light of STA” comes from our historical and cultural confidence. “The Light of STA” originates from the fundamental goal of cultivating virtues and talents, as well as the school motto of “Excellence and Perfection”. On the journey of enhancing cultural confidence and self-improvement and that of forging the new glory of socialist culture, we will continue to make “The Light of STA” increasingly brighter.