"Zhi Gong Traditional Chinese Opera Club" settles in Traditional Chinese Opera School Affiliated to STA


Recently, the China Zhi Gong Party Minhang District Committee, the CPC General Branch Committee of Traditional Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy and the China Zhi Gong Party Shanghai Theatre Academy Committee jointly held the district-school collaboration event and opening ceremony of the "Zhi Gong Traditional Chinese Opera Club", which marked the official settlement of the "Zhi Gong Traditional Chinese Opera Club" in the Traditional Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy.

The "Zhi Gong Traditional Chinese Opera Club" appointed Zhang Jun, Principal of the Traditional Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy, and Tang Hexiang, Vice Principal of the Traditional Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy, as advisors, and appointed 12 teachers of traditional Chinese opera as expert instructors. At the event, the expert instructors of the "Zhi Gong Traditional Chinese Opera Club" and their students from the school gave wonderful performances such as choirs, marionettes and Peking Opera songs, which gave rise to continuous applause at the event venue.

The China Zhi Gong Party Minhang District Committee, together with its collaborative partners including the China Zhi Gong Party committees at the Shanghai Jiaotong University and the East China Normal University, the China Zhi Gong Party branches at the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the CPC General Branch Committee at the Traditional Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy, jointly released the "Initiative on Promoting Traditional Chinese Opera Culture and Strengthening Cultural Confidence", calling on all parties concerned to take action in making joint efforts to promote traditional Chinese opera culture, in casting the soul for strengthening cultural confidence, and in contributing strength to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Shao Zhiqing, Full-time Vice Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Party Shanghai Municipal Committee, and Zhou Yin'e, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Theatre Academy Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, delivered speeches at the ceremony.

The "Zhi Gong Traditional Chinese Opera Club" will bring together various advantageous resources, leverage the "Overseas Chinese" characteristics of the China Zhigong Party, actively carry out activities such as the publicity and promotion, learning and exchange, cultural experience, and mutual learning and mutual reference of traditional Chinese opera, and organize activities such as traditional Chinese opera entering campuses and going down to grassroots organizations, so as to assist with the rural revitalization, foster the prosperity of traditional Chinese opera art, and inherit excellent traditional culture.