Party and government delegation of Dujiangyan City visits STA


The large-scale original dance drama "Full-filled Dujiangyan" created by the Shanghai Theatre Academy is under intense preparation. At the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the distinguished Dujiangyan guests from afar have injected new impetus into the creation of this new play.

On 2 February 2023, led by Jiang Weiwei, party secretary of Dujiangyan City, the party and government delegation of Dujiangyan City visited the Hongqiao Road Campus of the Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA), and held a roundtable with the relevant representatives of STA for in-depth exchanges on around the rehearsal and performance of the large-scale original dance drama “Full-filled Dujiangyan, as well as the related cooperation.

Zhang Weiling, deputy secretary and vice president of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, and Zhang Jiachun, chief accountant of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, as well as Zhou Bei and Yang Xinhua, deputy deans of the Shanghai Theatre Academy College of Dance, attended the relevant reception activities and introduced the relevant information to the delegation.

The party and government delegation of Duijiangyan City expressed its appreciation to the creative team of Shanghai Theatre Academy for their great enthusiasm in the creation of this play, and commended that the creation of "Love-filled Dujiangyan" was a vivid manifestation of the deep friendship between the peoples of the two places.

After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 took place, in accordance with the unified deployment of the national government, Shanghai paired with Dujiangyan to support the latter for its post-disaster reconstruction, and completed 117 post-disaster reconstruction projects. After the completion of the reconstruction support, Shanghai continued to carry out paired assistance and long-term cooperation in education, health, labor services, tourism, business and investment, and the two places have forged a deep friendship.

During Shanghai’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, Dujiangyan City sent over from over a thousand kilometers away the aid materials full of the love of the local people. The friendship between STA and Dujiangyan has become more and more profound in the course of helping each other.