STA students win first and second prizes at national recitation contest


The work “Outpost” that won the first prize was excerpted from the drama "Outpost" written by Professor Huang Changyong, the president of our university, and was under the guidance of teacher Fei Yong. The students of the class of BA Hosting 2021, namely, Ren Jiachen, Zhu Lian, Li Ruonan, Wang Zijian, Liu Yinting and Li Jiacheng, participated in the recitation.

The work "The Most Beautiful Look of Youth" that won the second prize was under the guidance of teacher Wang Qi and teacher Zuo Yu. Students who participated in the recitation included Lin Haizhang, Ren Jiachen, Zhu Xianlan, Wang Zijian and Liu Yinting. The team was led by Lin Haizhang, a student of Year 2018, and brought together students of different years to participant in the contest as a group. With boosted confidence, the contestants performed exceptionally well in the contest.

Hosted by the Ministry of Education and the National Language Commission, the "Recite China" Classics Recitation Contest of the Chinese Classics Recitation, Writing and Speaking Competition is one of the brand activities of the Chinese Classics Recitation Project. It shows the inheritance and innovation of the Chinese classics by leading the public, especially young people, to draw wisdom from the Chinese classics, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and highlight the spirit of the times, so as to pool great power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.