STA professors


STA professors
(In alphabetical order)
Fu Xiaoping
National First-Grade Director
Fu has long been engaged in drama writing and large-scale variety show directing. Over 20 variety shows under her direction have been repeatedly broadcasted on provincial television. Her dramas carried off many awards at province level, among which “Tou Qi Ming Tian De Tai Yang”(Holding up the Sun Tomorrow) directed in 1996 earned “Five Important Project Award” (a prize granted by Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee to encourage high quality works of theatre, TV drama, film, books and research articles) and “Wen Hua New Drama Award” granted by the Ministry of Culture.Her research article The Pleasure of Appreciation and the Trust of Cognition received the first prize in Heilongjiang province in 1997.
Guo Yu
Member of China Television Artists Association
Vice President of Chinese Society for Theatre Performance
Director of Chinese Society for Opera Directing
Director of Shanghai Theatre Association
Judge of Shanghai White Orchid Drama Performing Award
Guo has directed a series of TV programs, including “Hong Cha Fang” (The Tea House), 2001 APEC Art Show, The Opening Ceremony of the 4th China Peking Opera Art Show, Yu Opera Young Actor TV Contest, Pingtan Contest in Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Shanghai, etc. Stage dramas under his direction include: drama “Da Ma Xi Tuan” (The Big Circus), Kun opera “Zi Chai Ji” (The Story of Purple Hairpin) and “BaiYue Ting” (the BaiYue Pavilion), etc. His published works are Letters of Yu Zhenfei (chief editor), Collections of Research Articles on Drama Changsheng Palace; his research articles include:“Characteristics of TV Opera Program”, “Discussion about the Expression of TV Opera”, “Explore the Way of Dissemination of Kun Opera in Modern Times”, etc. His work has earned him the honorary title of “Model Excellent in National Culture and Art Promotion”.
Master Degree of Art in Shanghai TheatreAcademy
Drama Consultant in NationalTheatre of China
Mentor of UTN of ITI affiliated to UNESCO
Judge of Melbourne International Film Festival (China Sector)
Judge of the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre
Major works directed by Gu include: environmental drama “Wu Li De Mao Tou Ying” (The Owl in the House),“Ai Ku Si”(Arcus); small theatre experimental drama “Zhou Zhuang Xi Qi” (Zhou Zhuang and His Wife);Shanghai opera “Feng Yu Tong Ling Ren” (Story of the Peers),“Ri Chu” (Sunrise); Peking opera “Wu Long Yuan” (The Wu Long Temple);Kun opera "Hua Pi” (Painted Skin); musical drama “Wan Rong” (the role’s name); large-scale stage drama “Bai Niang Niang” (Empress Bai), “Da Qiao” (The Bridge); foreign classic drama “The Passport”, “Antigone”, “Betray”, “Art”, “Feel for Others”, etc.; multimedia modern Frenchcomedy“Love Conquers All”. His works have been performed in many countries and regions and earned him “Wen Hua Award” and the Best Director Prize of the Golden Lion Award. He also lectured in University of California, Berkeley in America and The University of Leeds in UK.
National First-Grade Photographer
Hou Yong
Professor Hou currently works as Supervisor of postgraduate; Head of the Film Department of Movie and Television College; National first–grade cinematographer; Part-time professor of Beijing Film Academy; Member of China Film Association; Member of China Film Director’s Guide; Member of China Television Director Committee; Vice president of Chinese society of Cinematographers; Member of China Artistic Photography Society; he used to be the member of Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circle and honorary president of Shenzhen Film & TV Artists Association. Due to his hard work, he has received the honorary title of Representative Excellent in Professional Skills and Moral Integrity in China Federation of Literary and Art Circle.
Hou has long been engaged in the work of cinematography, play writing and film directing. His works has carried off an array of awards from home and abroad. Major films under his photography include “Lie Chang Zha Sa” (On the Hunting Ground), “Dao Ma Zei” (The Horse Thief), “Jing Du Qiu Xia”(Soccer Heroes), “LianShou Jing Tan”(Red Fists)”, “LanFengZheng” (The Blue Kite), TianGuo Ni Zi” (The Day the Sun Turned Cold), Lan Ling Wang” (Lorenzo Callender), Hun Zai Beijing”(Days in Beijing), “Xia Wei Yi Chuan Qi” (The Legend of Hawaii), Yi Ge Dou Bu Neng Shao” (Not One Less), Xing Fu Shi Guang” (Happy Times), QiaoFeng” (the role’s name), Jin Gai” (The Manhole Cover), Chun GuiMeng” (Dream of Husband’s Return from the War), Xi Ma La Ya Wang Zi” (Price Himalaya),Shen Qi” (Magical), etc. Owing to his excellent photography in films “Sun Yat-sen”, Wan Zhong” (The Evening Bell), YaPian Zhan Zheng” (The Opium War)and “Wo De Fu Qin Mu Qin” (My Parent), he has been awarded Golden Rooster Award for Best Photography altogether four times.
Meanwhile, Hou has directed a few TV series, including 41 episodes drama “WoXin Chang Dan” (The Great Revival), 55 episodes drama “Chuang Guan Dong” (A Journey to a New Hometown), 25 episodes drama “Tian Xia Wu Zei” (A World Without Thieves) and 38 episodes drama “Fen Nu de She Ying Shi” (An Angry Photographer), among which “WoXin Chang Dan” (The Great Revival) has won Best TV Series Award and Best Photography Award at the 2nd Seoul International Film Festival.
Han Xuesong
National First-Grade director
Supervisor of postgraduate
Han took his Master degree from the Directing Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1989.
His hard work has earned him an number of awards, including Excellent Drama Award and Excellent Director Award of National New Drama Performances, Best Drama Prize and Best Director Prize of China Culture Award, Golden Lion Award, Excellent Drama Award of National Children Drama Award, Excellent Drama Award of CCTV Short Drama Contest, Excellent Work Award in the performance of 50thanniversary of the founding of PRC, Excellent Director Award of National Cao Yu Drama Contest, the First Prize of National College Students Drama Exhibition, Excellent Drama Award in National Pingju Opera Performance, Best Director Prize at Short Drama Contest in the Region of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces, Best Director Prize of Heilongjiang Fine Art Project, Excellent Drama Award at Shanghai Children Drama Performance, Excellent Performance Award, etc.
His research articles have been awarded several prizes, for instance, “Surface and Essence of Drama Ideal-About Drama on Cruelty” won the First Prize of Drama Theoretical Research in region of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces; “Create Infinite Beauty with Finite Space” carried off the First Prize of Excellent Teaching Result of Social Science in Heilongjiang Art Academy; “The Aesthetic Function of Dancing Art in Drama’s Stage” earned the Second Prize of the 2nd National Script and Review Contest.
Huang Yiming
Lu Jun
Head of Department of Drama Literature
President of Shanghai Drama Literature Academy
Vice President of Shanghai Opera Academy
Member of the 7th China Writer Representative Conference
Professor Lu has long been engaged in writing, teaching and theoretical researching in the field of drama. Six of his dramas were performed at national level in 2002. Altogether, 28 of his works have been performed in the public, covering a wide range of fields, including stage drama, Peking opera, Shanghai opera, Yao opera, Wu opera, Canton opera, Huangmei opera, Nanci opera, mime, etc. He also published over ten monographs, including Theory and Techniques of Play Writing, The Review of Techniques in Famous Foreign Drama, Collected Works of Lu Jun (8 volumes in total), etc.
He has received number of prizes, such as the Golden Lion Award for Drama Writing, Wen Hua New Drama Award, the First Prize of Script at Tian Han Drama Award, the First Prize of Excellent Textbooks of Shanghai Higher Education and other over 50 awards at national and provincial level. He also received an array of honorary titles, such as National Model Worker in Art and Culture Promotion, Excellent Expert of the Ministry of Culture, Excellent Member of CPC in Shanghai Science and Education Administration System and Expert with Honorary Allowance funded by State Council.
Liu Yonghua
Head of Stage Art Department in Shanghai Theatre Academy
Professor Liu has beenengaged in painting teaching and archaeologicalresearch into recovery of army uniform, weapons, carriages, harness, ceremonial rituals in ancient China. His important works include Carriages and Harness in Ancient China and The National Costume of China, etc. His booksArmy Uniform in Ancient China and China's National Hair Accessorieswere granted the 10th and the 12th China’s books Award respectively, another book Carriages and Harness in Ancient China won the Special Award at the 2nd National Stage Art Exhibition. His published research articles include “Wearing Code of Swords in Ancient China and Chariots War”, “Cavalry War and Military Strategy in Ancient China”,etc. some of which were translated by China Daily into foreign languages for overseas readers. His painting works were exhibited in many major exhibitions at home and abroad. Hong Kong Museum of History and Italy Casa Marka Foundation has held special exhibition for Liu’s Painting works, some of which were permanently collected by these institutions.
Li Jianping
Supervisor of Ph.D.candidates
Professor Li has long been involved in practical work and teaching for theatredirecting and specializes in drama and opera writing. His major works include stage plays “Ping TouBai Xing” (Common People), “Tu Fu” (The Butcher), “An Lian Tao Hua Yuan” (The Peach Blossom Land), musical plays “HaiFeng Chui Lai” (Wind from the Sea), “Qing Chun Nie Pan” (The Rejuvenation), Huangmei Opera “Feng Yu Li Ren Xing” (a story about three female patriots), “QiangTou Ma Shang”(a love story between Pei Shaojun and Li Qianjin) and Yu opera “Dou Li Xian Ling”(A Poor and Virtuous Official), etc. His research articles include “Instruction of Theatre Directing”, “Director’s feeling toward style”, “Pain-the Fountain of Art”, etc. He has received “Wen Hua Director Award” at the 11th Wen Hua Award, “Excellent Drama Award” at National New Stage Drama Exhibition, “Five Important Project Award” (a prize granted by Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee to encourage high quality works of theatre, TV drama, film, books and research articles), “Excellent Director Award” at National Opera and Musical Drama Exhibition and “Excellent Director Award” at the 4th and 5th PLA Joint Art Performance.
Li Haixia
National First-Grade Actor
Director of Shanghai Dancers Association
Member of Chinese Dancers Association
Member of Shanghai Culture and Art Working Committee of Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party
Member of Shanghai Qualification Review Committee onSenior Technical Profession in Art Area
Li Haixia has performed as principle actress in several large-scale folk dance dramas, including “Da Yu De ChuanShuo”, (The Legend of Da Yu), “YueFei” (Hero YueFei), ballet drama named “Carmen”, and folk costume dance drama called “Jin Wu Yin Shi” (the dance of golden and silver accessories). She received “Principle Actor Award” at the 6th Shanghai “White Orchid Drama Performing Art Award” in 1995 and “Excellent Teacher Award” at the 7th“Tao Li Cup” Dancing Contest of National Teenage Art Festival awarded by the Ministry of Culture.
Li Sha
National First-Grade Actor
Li Sha has received a series of prizes, such as the 19th China Theatre Plum Blossom Award, the Principal Actor Award at the 13th White Orchid Award and the Excellent Performance Award at the 2nd and the 7th China Theatre Festival.
Major works under her direction include: Yu Opera “TianJie and Zhuang Zhou”, experimental drama “Gu Shi XinBian-Bu TianPian” (old story, new telling-filling the hole in the sky), the Opening Ceremony Show in Chengdu Grand Fair, biographical drama“Hong Yi Fa Shi” (Master Hong Yi), song and dance show “QiangFeng” (the Culture of Qiang Ethnic Group), song and dance drama “Jin Da Ban De ZuiHou Yi Ye” (The Last Night for Jin Da Ban), narrative drama “Hong Xing Zhao Yao ZhongGuo” (Red Star Shines Upon China) and Chuan Opera “Yi Dan Da” (the role’s name), etc.
Her major published research articles include “The Evolution of the Life Created by the Role”, “Telling the Touching Story in the Ordinary Life-Elaboration from the Director of Chuan Opera ‘NiuYu’ru’” (the role’s name), “Multi-Impressions: After Watching Dramas in Kansai Region” and “About Directors in Tokyo’s Theatre Studio”.
Li Qian
Ma lan
National First-Grade Actor
Pan Jianhua
Master Degree of Art of Shanghai Theatre Academy
Special Expert of Shanghai Garment Industry Association
Deputy Director of Shanghai Clothing and AccessoryAssociation
As the first postgraduate majored in Clothing, Pan has achieved fruitful Accomplishments in the area of clothing culture and clothing design. He has published five monographs and over twenty fine research articles, designed clothing for more than thirty drama performance and served as supervisor of postgraduate for four years. His major works are of influential importance: The Culture of Underwear in Ancient China touched the unprecedented research area of clothing culture; Design and Techniques of Stage Clothing is identified as key textbook by the Ministry of Culture; the Course of Clothing Ergonomics is defined as Shanghai High-Quality Education Course. His researcharticles have been mainly published in Xinhua Digest, Wenhua Daily, Beijing Daily and other journals and magazines. He received Excellent Design Award at the 2nd National Stage Art Exhibition in 2004 and the Second Prize of National Education Result granted by the Ministry of Education in 2005.
Song Huaiqiang
Professor, Tenor, Supervisor of Postgraduate, Head of Hosting Art Department of School of Cinema and Television, Vice President of International Art/ Science/ Medicine Voice Foundation, Member of Chinese Musician Association, Member of Anchor Professionals Committee of China Broadcasting and Television Academy, Director of Voice and Pronunciation Laboratory in Shanghai Art Education Center, Judge of National Chinese Mandarin Test, Judge of Broadcasting and Music Sector in Shanghai International Music Festival, Judge of CCTV Young Singer Contest (Shanghai Sector), Anchor of Shanghai People Broadcasting Station, East Radio Broadcasting Station and Shanghai TV Station, Member of Shanghai CPPCC Committee, Standing Member of Shanghai Overseas Chinese Federation
Professor Songhas received a series of honorary titles, such Excellent Broadcaster on Novel, Best Actor of Broadcasting Play and Outstanding Educator of Shanghai Art Talents Education Program. He has performed theme songs for over 50 films and TV dramas, broadcasted Shui Hu (all men are brothers) and other 13 historical novels and acted in 3000 stage performances, including “Hong Yi Fa Shi” (Master Hong Yi). Besides, he has been involved in dubbing work of 400 films and TV dramas in total form home and broad and produced 800 episodes of broadcasting plays.
National first-grade actor
Member of the 9th CPPCC National Committee
Vice President of Sichuan Youth Federation
Vice President of Sichuan Theatre Association
Tian has dedicated to herself to the work of art research and teaching. She was in charge of editing the book Living Memory-Chinese Traditional Opera in Modern Timesin Chinese, German and French version and is renowned for her representative performance “Si Shui Wei Lan”(Stagnant Water Ripples) and representative plays under her direction, such as“Mai KeBai Fu Ren” (Mrs. Macbeth)and experimental drama“Qing Tan”(The Love Sign). She has been invited to lecture in many universities at home and abroad, such as Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany, Rotterdam Dance Academy in Netherland, New York University in America and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.She has carried off many prizes and honorarytitles, such as the First Prize of Performance in the 7th“Wen Hua Award "organized by the Ministry of Culture, honorary title of the Best Leading Role in the 8th White Orchid Award in Shanghai and honorary title of the Outstanding Educator in Performing Art Teaching awarded by the Ministry of Culture. She is also the twice winner of the Plum Performance Award, China’s most prestigious prize for performing art respectively in the 9th and the 20th of China Theatre Contest.
Tang Yipei
Ph.D. of Art of Shanghai Theatre Academy
Tang has long been engaged in research and teaching in the area of modern and contemporary Chinese drama and mass communication theory. His major work is The Narrator’s Stage. So far, he has published research articles of hundreds of thousands of wordsin core academic journals, including “Ibsen and the Evolution of the Concept of Chinese Stage Play”, “The Aesthetic Premise of China’s Innovative Stage Play in 1980s”,“The Appearance of the Narrator and The Metonymy and the Metaphor”. He has published a large number of reviews on theatre, TV drama and films in various newspapers and magazines, some of which has earned him several academic awards.
Wang Yun
Wang Yun, Professor, Doctor of Arts in Fudan University.
Having long engaged in the teaching and theoretical research of arts and literature, Wang Yun specializes in art theories, comparison of Chinese and western poetry, and comparison of Chinese and western culture. He has published a book, The Premodern Western Tradition of Panpoetry: A Comparative Study Taking the Related Traditions of Ancient Chinese Poertry as a Frame of Reference, and such research articles as On Compensation Theory, Metaphorical Meanings of Flowers in Chinese and Western Cultures, and On Logical Questions of Artistic Creative Thinking. His television works have won many awards. For example, the Alley to the Street was granted the fifth Flying Goddess Award-TV Mini-Series and the Shanghai Literature and Art Award- Prize of Honor (1984-1985).
Wang Lijun
National First-Grade Actor. A CPPCC National Committee member and the President of Tianjin Dramatists’ Association, Wang Lijun has won the following honorary titles: Tianjin New Long March Pace-Setter, Tianjin Model Worker, Tianjin Outstanding Communist Party Member, and Tianjin Youth Model. He has also been granted a “May 1” Labor Medal as the National Outstanding Cultural and Arts Worker and the Youth Prize for Outstanding Contribution. Wang enjoys special allowance rewarded by State Council.
Representative plays starred by Wang Lijun are Heroes’ Justice, Changban Slope, Han Jin Kou, The Rescue in Wild Boar Forest, Eight Hammers, Zhao Yun Chases the Boat, Yanyang Pavilion, Lin Chong Escapes to Liang Shan at Night, Concatenate Traps, A Heroic Death in Taiping City, Mount Dingjun, Yang Ping Guan, Qin Qiong Sells The Horse, Fisherman’s Revenge, Yang Silang Visits His Mother, Wujia Slope, Sanjiadian and so on.
Wang has been awarded the 3rd Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize, Mei Lanfang Gold Prize, the 1st honorary title of China Peking Opera Star, the Gold Prize of the Military Plays Contest in the 4th China Peking Opera Art Festival, and the Leading Role Prize of the 16th Shanghai Magnolia Drama Prize.
Wang Lvwei
National First-Grade Stage Designer
Wu Baohe
Ph.D. of Art of Shanghai Theatre Academy
Wu has published three monographs: Chinese Modern Drama in Small Theatre, The Production of Documentary Film and The Strategy and Production of Theatrical Performance.
His important works include: “Historical Culture and Non-Historical Culture in Historical Drama”, “The Prototype of ‘the girl sacrifice’ in Chinese Drama” and “Drama of Wole Soyinka” and other 30 research articles and translations; “Shan Ji” (Ritual Dance for Mountains) and “YueJi” (Ritual Dance for the moon) and other six stage dramas; “Bei Qing Nian Dai” (Times of Sorrow), “Di Si She Ying Zu” (The Fourth Camera Crew) and other three TV dramas; “Re Xie Zhu Jin Dun” (Story of Policemen) and “Sheng Kai De Mu Dan” (The Blooming Peony), altogether dozens of documentary films. He has written journalsand other articles of nearly two million words. He also has long been involved in program planning of “The Orient 101” and “OK Shanghai” in Dragon TV Station.
His hard work has earned him TV Drama Award granted by Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and Excellent Teaching Result Award of Shanghai Higher Education. His students have also carried off many awards of film script, documentary film and drama film at home and abroad contests.
Vice President of China Stage Art Academy
Director of Shanghai Stage Art Academy
Member of Committee of Image Design Experts of the Ministry of Culture
Head of Shanghai Image Design Panel
Expert with Honorary Allowance funded by State Council
Xu has long been engaged in teaching and researching of the image design in opera, TV drama and movies. Her important works include The Design and Techniques of Stage Makeup, 400 Questions about Modern Beauty Makeup, etc. Her major works of image design can be found in Art Show “Zhou Se” (Color), stage dramas “Heng Li Si Shi” (Henry IV), “Qing Gong Wai Shi” (Emperor Guangxu), “Jia” (Home), TV Drama “Yuan Ye” (A Wide Field), etc. As national first-grade art image designer and national first-grade judge on beauty makeup profession, Xuhas acted as Art Director of the large-scale art show of APEC and as Judge of Asia Hair Makeup Contest on every session. She has received Bao Steel Excellent Teacher Award, the Second Prize of Outstanding Teaching Result granted by the Ministry of Education and the First Prize ofOutstanding Teaching Result in Shanghai.
Xu Ming
Member of China Stage Art Academy
Member ofShanghai Stage Art Academy
Member of China illuminating Engineering Society
Member of Shanghai illuminating Engineering Society
Xu currently offers such courses as “Stage Lighting Design”, “Basic Techniques of Stage Lighting”, “Special Techniques of Stage Lighting Projection”, “Lighting in TV Dramas and Movies” and “Introduction to Stage Lighting Design”. He has produced three books, including Lighting in TV Dramas (co-author), Stage Lighting Design and Course of Stage Lighting Design (co-author), a published research article “How to Maintain a Balanced Image Effect in Photographing Stage Performance”, and several textbooks, including Basic Techniques of Stage Lighting and Introduction to Stage Lighting Design. His lighting designs can be found in opening ceremonies of such events as the 8thNational Games of People's Republic of China, the 6th China Art Festival, 1998 World Sports Meeting for Mid-School Students and 12th Provincial Games in Zhejiang Province, as well as in the Art Show of the 2nd shanghai International Art Festival, musical drama “Hang FengYue Wu” (Han-style Music and Dance)and stage drama “Shi JiuZhuang Li Hun An Diao Cha Pou Xi” (Investigations of 19 divorce cases).
Yu Qiuyu
Professor, Famous Scholar, Writer, Expert with the Honorary Allowance funded by State Council
Yu once served as President of Shanghai Theatre Academy and received the honorary title of “Young and Mid-age Outstanding Experts” in 1987 and the honorary title of “Top Ten Elites in Shanghai Higher Education” in 1993.
He has produced plenty of prose and works on the history of Chinese and foreign art. His major works include: The History of Theatre Theory, The History of Chinese Theatre Culture, Theatre Aesthetic Phycologyand The Creation of Art. His prose on Chinese culture once hit and remained on the best seller list for quite a long time, including Wen Hua Ku Lv (The Culture Journey), Shan Ju Bi Ji(The Journal of Travel), Shuang Ling Chang He (The Long and Cold River), QianNian Yi Tan (A Sign for the History), Xing Zhe Wu Jiang (No Boundary for Travelers), etc. As a famous scholar, he has lectured in many universities, government institutions, social communities as well as academic institutions at home and abroad.
Yi Tianfu
Deputy Dean of the Department of Stage Art in ShanghaiTheatre Academy
Deputy Manager of Professional Lighting Design Committee of China Stage Art Academy
Specializing in the research and applicationof lighting art, Professor Yi pays close attention to cutting-edge issues. His current research mainly focuses on the visualized expression of the drama plot, drama setting and character’s thought and feelings through such stage lighting as light, color and shadow with new technology and new perspective of lighting design. In recent years, his work has carried off a series of prizes, such as Top 10 Dramas of China Stage Art Project, Wen Hua Award for Stage Art, "Five Important Project Award” (a prize granted by Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee to encourage high quality works of theatre, TV drama, film, books and research articles), Prize of Outstanding Lighting Design in China Art Festival, Stage Art Award in China Stage Art Exhibition and the Golden Lion Award in China Stage Play Festival. He himself also earned many honorary titles, such as “Shanghai Young Pioneer”,“Young Talent for Culture Progress”, “Shanghai Outstanding teacher” and “Shanghai Excellent Scholar”. He has also earned grant sponsored by Shanghai Bao Steel Education Fund and Shanghai Young Talent Fund. His teaching experiences also brought him the First Prize of Shanghai Excellent Teaching Achievement and the Second Prize of Outstanding Teaching Achievements awarded by theMinistry of Education.
Yang Jianming
Ph.D. of Art of Shanghai Theatre Academy
Professor Yang has long engaged in art teaching and researching and has published research articles of around 600,000 words in the fields of art aesthetics, theatre history and film history, most of which were published through Renmin University of China, others were published in Xinhua Digest, Film Art and Journal of China Academy of Social Science. His published academic works include:On the Style of “Quhua”, The Aggregation Theory of Art Aesthetics. He received Shanghai Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, the First Prize of National Excellent ResearchArticles in 2002, the First Prize of the 1st China-Japan International Exchange Picture Exhibition and the Excellent Word Award of AsiaGouache and Watercolor Painting Exhibition.
Yao Kougen
Ph.D. of Art of East China Normal University
Member of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circle
Member of Shanghai Writers Association
Professor Yao has long been engaged in theoretical research on drama writing, especially on the effective system of Chinese and foreign media art theory. Having integrated his research with municipal progress, he has produced several constructive reports, including“Road to glory – The Collection of Shanghai Key Practical ProjectsReportage”, “Green Shanghai –The Collection of Shanghai Green Construction Reportage”, etc. Besides, he has produced several monographs, including The Manual for TV Drama Writing, Introduction to TV Drama Writing, etc. and a textbook Interpretation of the Famous TV Drama. He has also made well-received TV series of around 200 episodes, including “TianMeng” (The Dream), “Dong Fang Xiao Gu Shi” (Historical Educational Stories), “Xing Jing 803” (Criminal Police 803), “JiaZai Shanghai” (Foreigners in Shanghai), “Xiang YueZai Chun Tian” (See You in Spring), “Yin Lou” (TheJewelry Store), etc. Some of his works has won “Five Important Project Award” (a prize granted by Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee to encourage high quality works of theatre, TV drama, film, books and research articles) and Flying Goddess Award (China’s top prize for TV drama).Meanwhile, he published over a hundred research articles on a wide range of topics.
Zhu Meili
National First-Grade Actor
Ding of Ballet Major of Dance Department in Shanghai Theatre Academy
Director of Shanghai Dancers Association
Expert with the Honorary Allowance funded by State Council
Zhu Meili has long engaged in the work of ballet teaching and has successfully cultivated many ballet performing talents, many of whom received importantawards at only at ballet contests in China but international ballet contest in such countries as France, Switzerland and Finland.
As a dancing educator, Zhu has received a number of honorary titles, including “Shanghai’s art and culture undertaking promoterexcellent in professional skills and moral integrity” in 2003, “Shanghai’s excellent education” in 2004, “National model educator” in 2004 and “Shanghai’s excellent dancing professionals” in 2005.
Zhang Shengquan
After his graduation from Philosophy Department of Fu Dan University, Professor Zhang has been engaged in the work of moral education in Shanghai Theatre Academy and served as Head of Youth League Committee, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of CPC Office and Head of Performing Department CPC Office in Shanghai Theatre Academy. From 1998 to 2007, he was selected as member of the 12th and 13th People’s Congress in Jing’an district. Currently, he works as Head of the Publicity Department of CPC Office in Shanghai Theatre Academy, Professor and Supervisor of postgraduate. His current courses include:“Marxist Principles”, “Modern Western Philosophy”, “Sociology of Literature and Art” and“The Introduction of Journalism”;His important published work includes:Pioneers’ Footprint- the Journey of Chinese Marxistin Early Times (co-author); His research articles include:“The Charm of the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, “Advanced Consciousness of the Times and Reality”, “Modern Humanistic Interpretations of Drama’s Performing Characteristics”, “Deng Xiaoping's Leadership Charisma is a Model for the Education of Artistic Personality for College Students”, “On the Cultural Role of Performing Arts”, etc.
Zhang Jindi
Supervise of postgraduate
Director of Teaching and Researching Office of Directing Department
Professor Zhang took herdegree of Bachelor of Art in Directing Department ofThe Central Academy of Drama. She has worked in the field of drama since 1972, mainlyfocusing on drama directing, performance analysis, play writing and teaching.
Her major academic research articles include:Journal of the Teaching Experience of “The Miser”, “Components of Directors' Inspiration”, “On Performing Teaching in Directing Department”, “Actor-the Core of Drama” and “OnPerformance Style and Director's Artistic Personality”. Her monograph includes The Seventh Art Stage. Major works under her direction include: stage drama “La Dame aux camélias”, “Duan Xian Feng Zhen” (A Blown off Kite), “Tong ChuanGuo Du” (On the Same Boat), “Mei Chi Jian” (the role’s name), Sichuan opera “Chen Ai Luo Ding” (Everything Comes to an End), etc. in 2005, his research on“Direction Teaching in Episodes” was identified as Shanghai Key Course.
Zhu Yufeng
National First-Grade Actor
Member of China Theatre Association
Zhu Yufeng, for many times, served as the Member of Qualification Review Committee on Senior Professional Post in Zhejiang Province, and used to act as Vice President of Peking Opera Troupe in Xinjiang Province.
He received Excellent Performance Award at the 1stPeking Opera TV Contest for Young Actors in 1987, Screen Award at Peking Opera TV Contest for Young and Mid-Age Actors in 1991, the honorary title of Actor Excellent in Profession and Integrity awarded by Xinjiang Culture and Art Federation in 1998, the Second Prize of National Peking Opera Show and Contest for Young Actors in 2000, the First Prize of the 9thTheatre Festival in Zhenjiang Province and the honorary title of “the Excellent Teacher” in Peking Opera Department in Art Academy in 2008.
In 2007, he performed as the supporting actor in the performance of the 4th National Art and Cultural Projects Performance. His important works include “LianHuan Tao” (The Chain Effect), “Jiu Jiang Kou” (The Mouth of Jiu Jiang River), “Jiang Xiang He” (General and Chancellor) and “HeiXuanFeng Li Qui” (Hero Li Qui).
Zhang Xiaoming
National First-Grade Actor
Member of China Theatre Association
Member of China Theatre Association(Shanghai Branch)
Member of China Television Artists Association(Shanghai Branch)
Zhang graduated from the Performing Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy. She has performed as an actor in Shanghai People Art Theatre and Shanghai Drama Art Center Since 1982 and 1995 respectively. In 2000, she came back to Shanghai Theatre Academy and has served as a teacher in Performing Department ever since. She has received Excellent Performance Award at the 1st“Bao Steel Fine Art” Exhibition and Best Supporting Role Award at “Zuo Lin Drama Art” Award. Her important published work isThe Collection of section Teaching on Drama Performing.
Zhao Yunying
Senior Editor
China Writers Association
Member of China Film Association
Member of China Television Artists Association
Since 1979, Zhao has written and published a large number of worksof over 2,000,000 words, including long novel, medium-length novel, short novel, film, TV drama and prose. Her works have been awarded such prizes as “Five Important Project Award” (a prize granted by Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee to encourage high quality works of theatre, TV drama, film, books and research articles),Flying Goddess Award (China’s top prize for TV drama), China Film Hua Biao Award, the 7th China Culture Award, the Golden Tiger Award, Chang Bai Mount Culture and Art Award, etc. She also received the honorary title of National Excellent TV Drama Writer in 2008. Many dramas written by her have been broadcast by China Central Television (CCTV), including “Zan Ba Zan Ma” (My Parents), “Dai Li Ma Ma” (Surrogate Mother), “Chun Chang Qiu Ye Chang” (A Long Time), and “Lao Niang Lei” (Old Mother’s Tear).
Zhao Yaomin
Master of Art of Nanjing University
Play Writer of Shanghai Drama Art Center
Director of China Drama Academy
Director of Shanghai Writers Association
Director of Shanghai Theatre Association
Zhao has produced a number of dramas. His major works include: “TianCai Yu FengZi” (The Genius and The Mad), “Yuan Zu” (The Origin Sin), “Ben Shi JiZuiHou de Meng Xiang” (The Last Dream of This Century), “NaoZhong” (The Clock), “Wu Ye Xin Qing”(The Mood at the Midnight), “Ge Xing Yu Xing Xing”(The Singing Star and the Chimpanzee), “Liang Chen Mei Jing” (ABeautiful Scene on a Bright Day), “Chang Hen Ge”(Song of Everlasting Sorrow), “Jin Da Ban de ZuiHou Yi Ye”(The Last Night for Jin Da Ban).
Among them, “Wu Ye Xin Qing” (The Mood at the Midnight) and “Ge Xing Yu Xing Xing” (The Singing Star and the Chimpanzee) have respectively earned Cao Yu Drama Literature Award two years in a row.
Zhan Xin
National First-Grade Sound Recordist, Member of China Film Association, Member of Sound Committee of China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Member of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circle, Director of Shanghai Film Association ,Member of Shanghai Outstanding Association , Expert with the Honorary Allowance funded by State Council
Due to Zhan’s hard work, he has received a few honorary titles, including Artist Excellent in Professional Skills and Moral Integrity in Shanghai, Shanghai Top 10 Outstanding Youth and the Nomination of Shanghai Top 10 Outstanding Youth. He has involved in sound recording of more than 60 films from home and abroad. Among all his works, “Que Li RenJia” (A Confucius Family) carried off the Golden Rooster Award for Best Recording and the First Prize of Film Recording in China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers; “Hong He Gu” (Red River Valley) won China Film Hua Biao Award for Best Film Techniques, the Nomination of Golden Rooster Award for Best Recording and the Second Prize of Film Recording in China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers; “Lan Ling Wang” (Lorenzo Callender) earned the First Prize of Film Recording in China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers; “Jin Ji Po Jiang” (Crash Landing) won China Film Hua Biao Award for Best Film Techniques, and “Ran Ling Yu” (the role’s name) won the Nomination of Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Recording.
Zhao Qun
National first-grade actor
Member of CPC
Teacher of Opera Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy
Zhao has been studied in Tianjin Art Vocational College, Shanghai Theatre Academy and National Academy of Chinese Theatre Art. Holding Master degree of both opera performing and opera directing, she mainly specializes in performing the role of Qing Yi (a role of young or mid-age woman) in Peking opera and the role of Gui Men Dan (a role of unmarried young girl) in Kun Opera. Over more than twenty years, she has performed in over 40 operas, including “Xi Xiang Ji” (The Romance in West Chamber), “Zhuang Yuan Mei” (A Love Story between Yang Yanzhao and Lady Chai), “Sha Jiang Bang” (A Story of Fighting against Japanese Arm), “BaiHuaZengJian” (Hai Jun’s Mission), etc. In recent years, she has performed as leading role in a few new adopted dramas, namely “Tao Hua Shan” (The Peach Blossom Fan), “Yi PengXue” (A Precious Jade Cup), “BaoLian Deng” (The Magic Lotus Lantern), “Shi Qi Da Pi Guan” (A Test to Wife) and “Nong Chen” (The Jester) and acted as supporting actress two dramas of National Fine Stage Art Project, namely “Zhen Guan Sheng Shi” (Prime Time of Dang Dynasty) and “Cao Cao and Yang Xiu”. So far, she has issued “Cha Zi Yan Hong” (Brilliant Color) and other six opera albums. Due to her hard work, she has received a number of awards and honorary titles, including the First Prize in National Peking Opera Performance Contest held by the Ministry of Culture, Best Performance Prize (Golden Award) in CCTV Peking Opera TV Contest, the First Prize of Zhang Style Peking Opera Young Actors Tryout as well as the honorary title of Shanghai Young Pioneer and Shanghai Top 10 Young Talent for Culture Progress.