Wang Luoyong


Wang Luoyong

Wang Luoyong

Though Wang Luoyong has lived in America for many years and attained huge successes, he never flaunts these. Born in Henan Province, Wang is a typical Chinese man: plain, unyielding, sincere and down-to-earth. And it’s his honesty and stubbornness that impel him to move from Henan to Shanghai, to fly from Shanghai to the USA, and to fly back again to China.
Wang Luoyong, now known as the “Top Chinese Star in Broadway”, used to learn Peking Opera in Shiyan Peking Opera Troupe in 1975 and then learned to play the horn and compose in Wuhan Music Institute later. In 1985, he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in acting from Shanghai Theatre Academy and furthered his study of theatrical performing in Boston Shakespeare Theatre in the USA. After graduation, Wang Luoyong worked as a teaching assistant in Massachusetts College of Art and taught theatrical performance majors. In 1989, went to Boston University in the USA for further study and obtained his master’s degree of arts in the College of Fine Arts there. Then he worked as an associate professor in the University of Wisconsin and instructed theatrical performance majors as well.
Wang Luoyong has engaged himself in various artistic fields, including films, TV series, dramas and music dramas. Meanwhile, he plays multiple roles, such as professor, actor, director and playwright. In his early years in China, he has starred in the film Bi Sheng and the TV series Emperor Dao Guang. In America, he acted in numerous films and TV series, such as Honor’s Romance, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, New Continent, and Vanishing Son. From 1995 to 2001, he served as the leading actor in Miss Saigon. Wang has also participated in Tsing Feng (filmed by Shanghai Film Studio) and Concerto of Life (filmed by Beijing Film Studio). In Tracks in the Snowy Forest, he successfully played the hero Yang Zirong. In 2004, he was invited to play the ultimate villain Cao Wurong in Deng Xiaoping, 1928.