Mr Hu Zuo, teacher at Shanghai Theatre Academy, is invited to deliver classes to high-skill talent training program held by Ministry of Culture and Tourism


24 April 2018

In April 2018, the Department of Human Resources of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held the 9th high-skill talent training program at the National Cultural Officials Training Base (Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art). Mr Hu Zuo, Deputy Dean of the Stage Design Department of the Shanghai Theatre Academy was invited to Hangzhou to deliver classes at this training program.

Mr Hu’s classes lasted for six hours in total during which he gave high-quality presentations which combined theory with practice and consisted of a large amount of classic cases of contemporary stage design at home and abroad and a number of design works created by Mr Hu himself.

During the lasted six hours before and after the speech, is a combination of a large number of classic case of contemporary stage art design at home and abroad and Hu Zuo multiple design work of the teacher's own creation, is an integration of theory and practice of a high level of presentation.

A total of 110 trainees participated in the training program, all of whom were key professionals in stage design from cultural organizations across China who were selected and recommended on merit by the cultural departments and radio and television bureaus of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. Among them, there were nearly 30 trainees are alumni of the Shanghai Theatre Academy who graduated from various relevant majors of the Stage Design Department. After many years of efforts, they have all assumed important positions in the cultural and artistic areas in major provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, playing an important role in the local and even national cultural and artistic development.