STA holds consultation meeting to solicit opinions concerning status and issues of research work


19 March 2018

On the morning of 16 March 2018, the Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) held a consultation meeting in the ground floor conference room of the Foxi Building to solicit opinions concerning the current status and issues of the research work. The meeting was chaired by Mr Yang Yang, Vice President of STA, and was attended by the persons-in-charge from the Research Division, some of the professors and research follows from various departments and offices, and relevant staff of the Research Division.

First, Vice President Yang Yang briefly reviewed the achievements and areas for improvement in STA’s research work last year. He emphasized that STA should deeply explore the potential of its research work and grow it bigger and stronger. He invited the professors to put forward opinions and proposals from the perspective of STA’s overall strategy and its “going out” approach.

Subsequently, the participants spoke enthusiastically and expressed their own views about the current status and issues in STA’s research work focusing on the priorities of STV’s research work as well as the work reality of their own colleges, department or offices.

Vice President Yang Yang made the concluding remarks summarizing the opinions raised by the participants. He said that STA is a team of strong sense of honour and that listening to the voices from the front line has opened up the scope of thought for work. He thanked everyone for raising the focal issues such financial acquittal and research reputation etc and expressed that efforts will be made to improve the work in the future. The meeting was concluded in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.