Teachers and students of STA celebrate opening of 19th National Congress of CPC and enthusiastically study General Secretary Xi Jinping's report


18 October 2017

On the morning of 18 October, the grand opening session of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held in Beijing. The campus of the Shanghai Theatre Academy was filled with a warm and festive and atmosphere. All teachers and students were in high and cheerful spirit in celebration of the opening of this important meeting.

(Teachers and students of STA celebrating opening of 19th National Congress of CPC in high and cheerful spirit)

In a variety of ways, at multiple locations and through different channels, the teachers, staff members, students and retired veteran comrades of the Shanghai Theatre Academy got together to watch the live broadcasting of the opening session of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and listen to the report entitled “Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping on behalf of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC.

(All members of STA leadership and part of management team watching opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC in conference room)

(All members of STA leadership and part of management team watching opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC in conference room)

(All standing up and singing national anthem)

The functional offices, including the president’s office and party committee’s office, publicity department, international exchange centre, trade union, student affairs office, youth league committee and admissions and employment office, arranged for the staff to come together to watch the live broadcasting of the opening session. The retired veteran cadres also came and gathered in the veteran’s activity room to watch the opening session in full length. Some of the teachers and students who were far away on a performance trip overseas also got together to watch the opening session via internet.

(Retired cadres watching of opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC in retired cadres' activity room)

(Staff of party committee's office and president's office watching opening session of 19th National Congress)

(Staff of internatinoal exchange centre watching opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC)

(Staff of student affairs office, youth league committee and office of admissions and employment watching opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC)

The responsibilities of the times are on the shoulder of the youth and the glory of the times belongs to the youth. The messages and expectations conveyed in the report delivered by the General Secretary resonated with the broad mass of students of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, who took a variety of ways to watch and listen to the live broadcasting of the General Secretary’s report. Amongst them, the key members of the undergraduate student union and postgraduate student union, student members of CPC and student representatives of various colleges and departments gathered in Classroom 204 of the Red Building on the Huashan Road campus and the auditorium of the library on the Lianhua Road campus where they watched the opening session of the Congress together.

(Student members of CPC and student representatives of various colleges and departments watching opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC)

(Students watching opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC in dormitory room)

(Students watching opening session of 19th National Congress of CPC in dormitory room)

After the conclusion of the opening session, all expressed that they were deeply educated and greatly inspired. All members of the university leadership and some members of the middle-management team wrote down their feelings and reflections right away during the lunch break.

Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. Our country will thrive only if our culture thrives, and our nation will be strong only if our culture is strong. Without full confidence in our culture, without a rich and prosperous culture, the Chinese nation will not be able to rejuvenate itself. The teachers and students of the Shanghai Theatre Academy have all expressed that they will actively carry forward the excellent traditional culture, inherit the uplifting spirit of revolutionary cultural development, develop the advanced socialist culture, take the expectations and requirements of the party and country for the cultural prosperity and development as the direction of their own endeavors going forward, actively devote themselves to the course of cultural prosperity and development, and make their own contributions to the national strategy of building a culturally strong country.