LaSalle College of the Arts and Shanghai Theatre Academy sign memorandum of cooperation


30 October 2015

On 16 October, LaSalle College of the Arts, Singapore and Shanghai Theatre Academy signed an intercollegiate memorandum of cooperation.

LASALLE College of the Arts was founded in 1984 by Brother Joseph McNally. LaSalle College of the Arts is an integrated art college. It has five departments, namely, fine arts, design, media art, art management and performing art, which offer dozens of majors including fine arts, advertising design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design, jewelry design, jewelry appraisal, animation art, film, art management, dance, music, theatre techniques and stage musical drama at the associate degree, bachelor degree and master degree levels. Within the framework of Asia-Pacific Bureau (APB) of Theatre Schools which includes Shanghai Theatre Academy as a member, both sides have, on many occasions, exchanged the visits of president, teachers and students to participate in the APB School Directors Conference and art festival hosted by the other side.

After many years of engagement, LaSalle College of the Arts decided to include Shanghai Theatre Academy as one of its strategic development partners, and proposed that both sides execute a cooperation agreement. Shanghai Theater Academy expressed the hope to carry out in-depth cooperation with LaSalle College of the Arts in such areas as performing act, digital media and dance.