AHRC's International Placement Scheme Launches in STA, China


For the first time, the prestigious Shanghai Theater Academy (STA) is opening up its archives to researchers funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s International Placement Scheme (IPS). STA is one of the best higher education art institutions in China, specializing in performing and digital arts, fine arts, and visual cultures. This unique opportunity enables postgraduate students and early career researchers to enrich their research, understandings and connections through immersion in China’s thriving research culture, with privileges unavailable to independent visiting scholars. RCUK China has been working closely with AHRC and STA to enable this partnership, and to strengthen strategic collaboration between the UK and Chinese arts and humanities.
Four IPS fellows will be placed at the Academy for 3-4 months researching the following themes:
• The growth and development of China's musical theatre industry
• Community-based art as a tool of empowerment: A study of community-based art projects among marginalised populations in Shanghai
• The Red Corps of Ballet in China
• Interpreting Culture and Creative Economy through Chinese Opera
To find out more about applying for the AHRC’s International Placement Scheme please visit www.ahrc.ac.uk