Prof Wang Bangxiong of STA is appointed a member of Shanghai Municipal Research Centre of Culture and History


29 September 2014

On the morning of 28 September, the Shanghai Municipal Research Centre of Culture and History (SMRCCH) held a ceremony during which Mr Yang Xiong, Mayor of Shanghai, presented the certificates of appointment to 25 experts and scholars including Prof Wang Bangxiong of the Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) who were newly appointed as members of SMRCCH, and delivered a speech. Ms Zhao Wen, Vice Mayor of Shanghai, also attended the ceremony.

On behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Government, Mayor Yang congratulated the new SMRCCH members on their appointment. He expressed the highest respect and most sincere gratitude to all current and previous SMRCCH members for their contribution to the development of Shanghai. After the ceremony, Vice Mayor Zhao held a roundtable meeting with the SMRCCH members to solicit their opinions and suggestions. As a representative of the new members, Prof Wang Bangxiong gave a presentation entitled “Promote and Develop Chinese Traditional Culture in Art Education. Ms Liang Guyin, famous Kunju opera artist and a STA alumna, was also among the new members, and also gave a presentation.

At present, there are three other professions and scholars of STA, namely, Wang Kewen, Ye Changhai and Chen Jude, who are also members of SMRCCH.

Mayao of Shanghai Mr Yang Xiong (left) and Prof Wang Bangxiong (right)

Prof Wang Bangxiong gives makes a presentation

Vice Mayor of Shanghai Ms Zhao Wen (right) and Prof Wang Bangxiong (left)