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Eight teachers of our university are acknowledged in Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s notice of commendation

The key to the prosperity and development of traditional Chinese opera lies in people. It was the first time that the work of issuing such a notice of commendation has been undertaken since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, covering the three generations of old, middle-aged and young teachers, who have taken root in the frontline of teaching and demonstrated the noble morality of teachers, outstanding professional skills, excellent teaching ability and remarkable achievements in talent cultivation. They have made outstanding contributions to the cultivation of Chinese opera professionals and are examples for all art educators to learn from.

Among the 100 outstanding full-time and part-time teachers of the Chinese opera from across China acknowledged in this notice of commendation, eight are from the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy. They are:

Wang Lijun, Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy

Wang Jizhu, Shanghai Theatre Academy

Shen Qilang, Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy

Song Jie, Shanghai Theatre Academy

Lu Yiping, Shanghai Theatre Academy

Hou Yongqiang, Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy

Guo Wenhua, Chinese Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy

Tong Qiang, Shanghai Theatre Academy

They are both famous Chinese opera artists and outstanding people's teachers. In order for the splendid Chinese opera art to be carried forward from generation to generation and to realize its creative transformation and innovative development, we need more teachers to strengthen the cultural confidence, carry forward the fine traditions, adhere to integrity and innovation, explore the true meaning of art in the two-way process of teaching and learning, and hone their original aspiration for pursuing the art profession in serving the people.

We would like to express our warmest congratulations and pay our highest respect to these eight teachers!