Our university holds a mobilization meeting on the application for national scientific research projects in 2024


On the afternoon of 5 January 2024, the Scientific Research Office of our university held a mobilization meeting on the application for national scientific research projects in 2024. Attending the meeting were Nie Wei, Vice President of Shanghai Theatre Academy, Zhi Yunbo, Director of Scientific Research Office, Lan Tao and Zhai Yueqin, Deputy Directors of Scientific Research Office, and persons-in-charge from all departments, faculties and secondary colleges, teachers and relevant staff of Scientific Research Office, totaling more than 70 people. The meeting was presided over by Lan Tao, Deputy Director of Scientific Research Office.

Director Zhi Yunbo first introduced the scientific research situation of Shanghai Theatre Academy in recent years. He analyzed the distribution of faculties, disciplines, ages and professional titles in all national general projects approved since 2018, and explained with particular focus on the characteristics and trends of the application for scientific research projects . At the same time, he also put forward the enhancement strategies and specific implementation initiatives in response to current problems at our university.

In this meeting, three senior experts, i.e. Professor Li Zhenlin, Dean of the College of Film, Professor Chen Jun, Dean of the Department of Dramatic Literature, and Associate Professor Huang Jingfeng from the Department of Dramatic Literature, were specially invited to share their experience in applying for scientific research projects.

After the sharing of the three experts, Tang Rui from the Scientific Research Office highlighted the specific matters to note in the application for scientific research projects, including the project setup, application conditions and timelines, as well as the composition of the central government's scientific research project funds and the path to search for information on the application for scientific research projects, so as to facilitate the teachers to make a good plan for project application in advance according to their own situation.

At the end of the meeting, Director Zhi Yunbo made the concluding remarks.