The First Young Scholars Forum on Chinese Playwriting is Held


Recently, the First Young Scholars Forum on Chinese Playwriting was held at the Shanghai Theatre Academy.

Focusing on theoretical research and practical exploration in the field of playwriting, the forum discussed five aspects, including the construction of the "three systems" and the study of playwriting, the mutual integration and mutual learning of drama and Chinese opera playwriting theories, the ancient and modern changes of Chinese and foreign playwriting theories, the study of Chinese and foreign playwrights and works, and the study of other issues related to Chinese playwriting, and was committed to strengthening the connection between playwriting practice and theory, expanding the ways of playwriting education and teaching, promoting the theoretical study of playwriting and the construction of Chinese playwriting, and facilitating the development and improvement of the theoretical system of Chinese playwriting discipline.

Professor Zhu Hengfu from the Shanghai Normal University, Professor Wu Weimin from the Yunnan Arts University, and Professor Liu Yanhui from the Shanghai Theatre Academy made keynote speeches.

At the three sub-forums of the forum, 27 young scholars and frontline creators in the field of playwriting shared their insights on the construction of the discipline of Chinese playwriting, the teaching practice of playwriting major, and the leading-edge development in the field of theatre.

Professor Lu Jun, Chairman of the Academic Committee and founder of the playwriting subject, made an academic concluding speech.