The 4th Event of Teachers’ Salon Features Face-to-Face Sharing and Discussion on Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education


On the afternoon of 12 November, the fourth event of the Teachers' Salon jointly hosted by the TeachersWork Department, Academic Affairs Office and thePersonnel Department of our university was held in the West Conference Room on the second floor of the Foxi Building. The theme of the salon was face-to-face sharing and discussion on curriculum-basedideological and political education. Hu Min, Deputy PartySecretaryof our university, and nearly 40 young teachers were invited to participate in the sharing and discussion. This Teachers Salon eventwas presided over by He Liang, Deputy Director of thePersonnel Department.

Guo Chenyan, Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office, first introduced the achievements and the planning for future development of the curriculum-based ideological and political education in our university. Then, Zhang Lin, Party Secretary and Vice Dean of the Dance College, teacher Sun Yuyangfrom the Acting department, teacher Li Ya from the Stage Design Department, and teacher Wang Kai from the Chinese Opera College delivered speeches and shared their views. The young teachers attending the event were also stimulated to take the initiative to ask all kinds of questions which were answered on the spot. Some of them also spoke enthusiastically to share their teaching experience. At last, Deputy Party Secretary Hu Minmade a summary of the event.

The purpose of the TeachersSalon is to better serve the teaching staff and make it a platform to promote communication, expand interests and upgradeaccomplishment level. In the future, the Teachers Salon will launch a series of theme events one after another for the teaching staff.